New Series!Hello there Fiber Guardian Follower,

I have the pleasure of announcing that there will be a brand spanking new series coming to a website near you. Most importantly, it will be right here on this website. The series will be called “Taking it to the next level.”

In weekly postings I will be sharing the real life struggles of my wife and I as we aim to take things to the next level in our fitness. I will share these struggles in a fun, positive, and uplifting way and I hope you will enjoy the posts.

But first, I’d love to get in a shameless book plug. The reason I am starting a new series is because I just finished writing my first full-length eBook. Of course, as the author I would say that, so let me share what some other people are saying about it:

Jenn says- “The Action Diet” is a very well put together guide of practical tactics to utilize in order to completely change your life and become a healthier you.

Cynthia shares- “I like how it has a super hero, Fiber Guardian, and comic book idea to it.”

Grady Harp thinks these thoughts- “In a near cheerleader style of writing Jordan relates his own weight struggle, how he overcame it, and now offers this no-nonsense book that will serve the reader committed to life changes to shed blubber, learn about nutrition in more ways than imaginable, and in the end shakes a big stick in his magisterial manner of teaching us to take responsibility and make the changes he recommends that have worked for him.

You can see how the book turned out in paperback below and you can get a copy right here. I wont try to sell you things on this site very often, but I hope you would consider my book a worthwhile purchase. These were pictures that my sister sent me because she got a print copy before I did (how did that even happen!?)




I have to admit, after finally getting my copies in the mail, that it feels real. I have written a book! Wow! I am amazed and I feel blessed that I was able to accomplish this goal. Thanks to everyone that supported me in this endeavor!

ANYWAYS, the new blog series will start out with how to defeat the sugar beast inside of our souls. I will share current action steps that my wife and I are taking to reduce our sugar intake, as well as what it would be like if Captain America were to fight off the sugar beast. I hope you will consider staying tuned.

The best way to stay tuned is to follow my Facebook page. I will always send my latest posts into the Frenzy that is the Facebook world.

I can’t wait for this journey to begin! Will you join me?

-Jordan, Your Fiber Guardian

PS: Any advice on stepping up our game? Anything you think is a good step or anything you are struggling with? Comment here or post on my Facebook page!

Stay tuned- Go here for the latest “Stepping Up Your Game” posts.