Hello and welcome to Fiber Guardian. I will be your tour guide as you start your journey towards a brand new you.
The good news?
It only takes a few small changes to get started. One of those changes is to start adding more fiber into your diet.
Luckily, you just stumbled upon my site, and from now on you have a superhero on your side.
That’s right! The Fiber Guardian is here to save the day. Fiber is the quintessential substance that you need to be adding to your diet right now. Fiber can help you to:
- Lose weight
- Maintain bowel regularity
- Speed up the elimination of toxic wastes in the colon
- Has been shown to reduce high cholesterol levels and it can control blood sugar levels.
- Fiber comes in many different foods and it is not difficult to slowly work it into your diet.
This site goes into all of this and more. Browse some of my most popular articles below to get started. Will you let me become your Fiber Guardian? I’d love to join you on your journey towards better health!
The Unexpected Beauty Benefits Of Fiber
A recent report by the NY Times has highlighted the ongoing work by scientists to discover why fiber is so good for you. While scientists are still trying to pinpoint exactly why, they are clear as to its benefits: a diet that is rich in soluble fibers such as...
Tackling the Myths That Surround Fiber in Your Diet
The following is a free contribution from Jennifer Dawson. Enjoy! In 2012 an EPIC study smashed away all remaining doubts over the health benefits of fiber. EPIC, (the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) studied the diets and health of...
A Healthy Diet for Athletic Adults
A guest post from my friend Joe over at ViveHealth.com- For active adults, a healthy diet not only helps enhance and maintain your overall health but can also improve overall athletic performance. If you don’t maintain a healthy diet, you’ll get tired, perform poorly,...
How a High-Fiber Diet Can Improve Heart Health
Guest post by Jennifer Dawson. Thanks for reaching out and writing up an awesome post! 🙂 In America, heart disease is the leading killer of both men and women alike, accounting for about one in every four deaths in the United States. Globally, heart disease is...
Fiber-Rich Workout Snacks: How to Make Them
Guest Post by Sarah Jones. Thanks so much for reaching out Sarah and for writing this up! Very much appreciate it. With almost everyone trying to achieve their personal fitness and health goals, making the best dietary choices are an absolute prerequisite....
High Fiber Diets: Can they control Diabetes?
Hey guys and gals, Today we are blessed to hear from another blogger, Kelly Crawford who writes for Hardboiledbody.com She is going to talk about high fiber diets and how they can fight diabetes. This ties in perfectly with my new book on the subject of reducing sugar...
Guest Post: Living With Purpose and Direction Beyond the Essentials
Hey guys! I have the pleasure of introducing one of my friend's in the publishing world, Rob Archangel. He is a fellow health guru that also happens to runs his own publishing company (how cool is that!?). I asked him to share a little bit about his own journey and...
Living Healthy Over the Holidays: 7 Tips to Avoid Death by Chocolate Cake
Hey guys! The holiday season is one of the best times of the year. with snow falling (for those northerners) and Christmas music seemingly blasting from every known source of sound, the spirit is with us all. This time can be a great time to spend with family, enjoy...
Everybody Farts: But Is Farting Good for You? The Fiber Guardian Says Yes!
Who better than the Fiber Guardian to answer some of the age old questions of excessive flatulence. It is no secret that fiber and farting go hand in hand so it is high time for a post on this subject. Is farting good for you? Is farting in fact healthy? Do you have a...
Top 10 Books to Read for 2017 and Beyond
Part of getting healthy, losing weight, and ultimately reaching your full potential involves reading. Reading activates the mind and it gets us thinking in a world other than our own. It increases our vocabulary, and reading books is far better for our brains than...
What Is Fiber?
- Fiber is the indigestible part of plant foods.
- It can be found in a variety of different foods.
- Fiber is an awesome part of any diet and it is key that you start eating it right away!
Why Should You Start Eating Fiber?
- Fiber can aid in your weight loss goals by making you feel fuller. The foods that are high in fiber tend to be really good for you in other ways as well (high in vitamins, protein etc.)
- Fiber can help to prevent diabetes by controlling blood sugar levels.
- Fiber aids in digestion and can help to keep you regular. This is especially helpful in people that are dealing with constipation AND/OR diarrhea. Adding fiber to your diet can help with both by adding bulk to your stool and helping it to pass through your system more efficiently.
- High Fiber foods are delicious so there is no reason NOT to start eating them!
How To Actually Start a High Fiber Diet?
- I go over this more in my post on How to Start and Maintain A High Fiber Diet but it is really easy to start.
- You need to first figure out How Much Fiber Do You Need Per Day? And then you will be able to find out what your daily goal should be.
- Start with an apple a day. It is a simple thing and you have surely heard that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and this is surely true. Just about any fruit will do, but apples are ideal!
- For a full list of foods see my page on The Fiber Content of Foods or watch the quick video below for an intro!
[yt4wp-video video_id=”yKIvwhI0YxY”]
Regardless of your question about fiber, we have the answers for you. Also be sure to sign up to our mailing list to be updated when we post new fiber related things.
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