
Thank You for this Honor!

One of my good blogging friends, Alexia Bullard, has nominated me to receive the Infinity Dreams Award! She writes about ways to help businesses increase their website traffic and grow over at Booklexia. She also loves to write about all things nerdy, including video games.

I also love video games, and I find her posts to be full of humor as well as excellent information. She has some very practical advice on SEO as well as building relationships, and is extremely thorough in her work. Thanks again for the award nomination Alexia!

My siteĀ is all about Fiber and eating well. I personally struggled with weight loss, and it was through focusing on fiber that I was able to reach a healthy weight! I know that it won’t work for everyone, but I also FULLY believe that everyone is capable of reaching their goals.

I love to write about:

  • Healthy Foods
  • Weight Loss tips
  • Fitness
  • Finding Motivation
  • Anything that I can write about to make someone laugh

These are the Infinity Dreams Award Rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back.
  2. Post the award badge and rules.
  3. Tell 11 facts about yourself.
  4. Answer the questions that were set for you to answer.
  5. Nominate 11 other bloggers and set questions for them.

Facts About Me

I have to write 11 facts about me?? Okay here goes… This ought to be an interesting experience.

Totally kidding, I love writing about myself, it will be a good break from the normal writing about fibrous foods that I fill up this website with! šŸ˜‰

  1. I played tennis in high school. However, my school didn’t have a team, so I was forced to play for a different school. This school was 30 minutes away, and I wasn’t even allowed to officially play for them for fear of parents getting upset that I was taking over the “real kid’s” (kids from the school) playing time. However, I loved every minute of it, and I met one of the most influential people in my life, my coach, Chet Rogers.
  2. I wrote a story about a day on the lake with my tennis coach, and the story can beĀ found here.
  3. I love apples.
  4. I also love to be ridiculous. I have a Yoda voice that I do, and I even have a couple other voices that I use to make friends and family laugh, and I am not afraid to admit it! This is where the Fiber Guardian came to be, as I can be myself and act crazy!
  5. I am an okay chef, and even lit my mother’s oven on fire whilst baking an apple pie. True Story.
  6. Most of my childhood was spent playing final fantasy, super smash brothers, and other various video games.
  7. High School was spent playing halo, when not involved in other activities.
  8. Those other activities included Concert Band, Show Band, and Jazz Band, along with tennis when in season!
  9. Owlcity is by far my favorite music to listen to.
  10. My wife and I have been married for 3 years. I can say with absolute certainty that she is my soul mate. It also helps that she is my best friend and we laugh AT each other pretty much every day!
  11. Family is of the utmost importance to me!

Alexia’s Questions for Me


Do you prefer ninjas or pirates?Ā 

Ninjas for sure. Probably.

What is your favorite type of dinosaur?

Dinosaur Soup.

Share your favorite nerdy/geek joke:Ā 

I will share one I heard recently. Why should you not give Elsa a balloon?

What is your primary fandom?Ā 

Probably my family and friends, but I am slowly growing my email list!

Which book changed your life, even if it was in a little way?

Definitely In a Pit With a Lion on Snowy Day by Mark Batterson. Probably one of my favorite books ever, and it definitely changed my perspective on life! I am still working on becoming a “lion chaser!”

Which book did you absolutely hate? Why?Ā 

Hated How to Kill a Mockingbird. Old classic books really bore me, as they just read like tasteless dribble to me. Just my opinion!

Who has influenced/inspired you the most? How, and why?

Definitely my Dad. He has been a constant source of knowledge and advice, as well as always being there for me! I Definitely look up to him!

Do you have a career/business/blogger role model? Who?

Pat Flynn is the man. I love what he does. It is one of my major life goals to be on his podcast. Wow, wouldn’t that be a dream come true!?

Who is your favorite YouTuber or Podcaster?Ā 

Oops, guess I put Pat on here too early. Oh well, Pat Flynn.

What would you want your superpower to be?

Being able to create a culture where everyone could do what they loved. We are so bogged down with “Stuff” and with most of us working crappy jobs. How many people get to do what makes them truly happy 100% of the time? Not many, and that saddens me!

If you could have lunch with ONE person, living (As they used to be!) or dead, who would it be? Why?

I would have lunch with Bill Hybels because he is the man.

Nominees For The Infinity Dreams Award

Here are my 11 nominees for the Infinity Dreams Award!

  1. The Schmucks over at Enlightenment for Schmucks
  2. Happy Healthy Family
  3. Jana Herde Success
  4. Premeditated Fitness
  5. Client’s Workout
  6. Fro and Bro
  7. Edna Writes
  8. Let’s Do it
  9. My So Called Organized Life
  10. Cat’s Kitchen
  11. Jessica Bailes Blog

Here Are Your Questions!

  1. What made you start blogging or why did you create your site?

  2. Are you a Star Wars Fan?

  3. (Stealing this from Alexia) What is your desired superpower?

  4. What is one of your life goals?

  5. How are you going to reach that goal?

  6. What is your favorite childhood memory?

  7. Android or I-Phone?

  8. Do you still work a full time job outside of your own blog? If so, do you want to go full-time as a blogger?

  9. What do you find to be the hardest part about blogging?

  10. Who is your online role model? Meaning, which site do you look at and want to become more like?

Congrats to all those that I nominated, thanks again to Alexia for the nomination!

-Jordan, your Fiber Guardian